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Bert Wycoff, PE, CFM, Principal


Mr. Wycoff leads the Bridge & Stream team, which solves flooding problems nationwide. He has a primary background as a hydrologic and hydraulic engineer and project manager. Much of his experience over the past 28 years is with railroad consulting services, floodplain analyses, permitting, and drainage systems.  Other project experience includes urban storm drainage systems and river maintenance programs.

Wendy Banzhof, PE, Senior Water Resources Engineer


Ms. Banzhof is a Civil Engineer specializing in surface water hydrology and hydraulics. Much of her experience includes 2-dimensional modeling using the SRH-2D hydraulic model for bridges with complex hydraulics, as well as advanced 2D modeling in HEC-RAS. Her experience also includes urban flooding, dam breach modeling, the modeling of complex overland flooding, stormwater design, and floodplain permitting.

Amy Carmellini, EIT, Water Resources Engineer


Ms. Carmellini is an engineer in training specializing in hydrology and water resources. Her expertise includes both physical and computer hydraulic modeling, including 2-Dimensional hydraulic modeling and hydrologic analysis. She has conducted field site surveys in various locations across the United States.

Jeff Culp, EIT, Water Resources Engineer


Mr. Culp is an engineer in training with experience in hydraulic modeling, hydrologic analysis, stormwater management design, and construction project management. He is a water resources engineer with an emphasis on sediment transport, hydraulic modeling, and fluvial geomorphology.

Sydney Doidge, PE, Water Resources Engineer


Ms. Doidge is a professional engineer specializing in water resources engineering. She has a variety of experience including hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, dam breach analysis, levee inspection, and erosion and sedimentation analysis. She has conducted field site surveys in various locations across the United States. She is a FAA certified remote pilot for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS).


Jessica Householder, Ecologist


Ms. Householder is an Ecologist specializing in wetland science, vertebrate ecology, and environmental permitting. She is skilled in conducting wetland delineations, preliminary site evaluations, site characterizations, and habitat assessments. She is experienced in preparing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation and scoping, Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 and 404 permit applications, Jurisdictional Determination requests, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit applications.

Mike Lawrence, PE, CFM, Senior Water Resources Engineer


Mr. Lawrence is a Civil Engineer and specializes in the areas of hydrology, hydraulics and floodplain mapping. Over the past 15 years, he has performed many hydraulic studies, including numerous dam breach analyses and flood insurance studies. He is especially experienced utilizing LiDAR based digital elevation models (DEMs) to perform steady and un-steady hydraulic analyses and associated floodplain mapping on complex drainage systems. In addition, he has also performed several stream restoration and channel stabilization designs.


Rose McKenna, EIT, Water Resources Engineer 


Ms. McKenna is an engineer in training specializing in hydraulics and hydrology. Her background includes complex one- and two-dimensional hydraulic modeling, designing stormwater mitigation systems, and collecting hydraulic field data. As a certified floodplain manager (CFM), she has experience in floodplain mapping and in creating no-impact floodplain revision submittals for local agencies and FEMA.

Sarah Parker, PE, Water Resources Engineer


Ms. Parker is a professional engineer specializing in water resources.  Areas of expertise include, floodplain mapping, bridge and culvert replacement analysis, dam break modeling, and stormwater analysis and planning.  She has extensive experience performing hydrologic calculations and conducting hydraulic analysis using 1D and 2D modeling.  She also has experience creating mapping and reporting products that comply with strict regulatory standards for submission to agencies including FEMA and FERC. 

Dale Vagts, Ecologist; Environmental Scientist


Mr. Vagts is an Ecologist with expertise in wetland biology and environmental science.  He has diverse state, federal, and private consulting experience, resulting in a broad understanding of regulations, land use, and resource management. He has a background in general engineering and project management. He is skilled in wetland delineations, stream assessments, preparation of Clean Water Act Section 404 and Harbors Section 10 permit applications, wetland and stream impact mitigation, violation resolution, compliance monitoring, biological and ecological assessments, and NEPA documentation.

Terry Yergensen, Environmental Services Coordinator; UAS Operations Manager


Mr. Yergensen is an Environmental Services Coordinator, specializing in forecasting environmental/floodplain impacts and securing local, state, and federal permits for various water resources projects. He is a trained wetland delineator. He has conducted field site surveys throughout the United States. He also has more than thirty years of experience involving facility programming, planning, budgeting, new construction design, environmental compliance, and project management. He is a FAA certified remote pilot for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS).

Andy Zelinskas, PE, Water Resources Engineer


Mr. Zelinskas is a professional engineer specializing in water resources engineering. He has experience with hydrologic and hydraulic modeling including storm sewer network analysis, floodplain analysis, bridge and culvert analysis, and river hydraulics. He also has experience with site design and permitting for various wetlands and flood mitigation structures.

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